When you think it's kinda perfect, and other think it's not

"My oh My.."
this is what I say everytime anybody say "you're insane!", "this goal is not achievable", or even in the sickest way: "I'm not you, I just can't"

I always have questions in mind everytime people just say those words,
I'm not sure I understand either,

It's not that I don't understand the reason you say it,
it's just that I just don't understand why you never learn.

for me, Impossibility is only a perception.
because in fact, impossibility never really happens.

Once people had said that men was impossible to fly, now we can fly.
Once people had said that men was impossible to read clearly every night, now we indeed can do it every night.


It has never been impossibilities,
it's just that you dont want to."

For me, everytime people say "I'm not you I just can't", it's just a matter of you wanna try it or not.
So dont be such bu*lshit. Just be honest.

Always blame yourself for your own impossibilities.

you can die, meet god, face the doomsday, then,
that's the time you can clearly differ between possibilities and impossibilities.

Why is that?

"because that time, is the time that you will never able try to make everything possible anymore."

You may not succeed, but you can always try.
Because once you try, failed, you're at least make a step.
One or two men may hear the story of yours, fix, retry, and who knows that when god speaks, luck happens,
they succeed in their own time.

when you try means you think it's possible, you pray it can be possible,
when more and more people try means more and more people think it's possible, more and more people pray it can be possible.

This note is dedicated to my inspiration,

My father,
The man that never sees idealism as impossibility
"cobalah untuk selalu tidak mengeruk idealisme, kodrat, etika, dan iman. Coba Adek Dea cari sendiri alasannya"

Maap ya diupload, lagi kangen..
Dan saya hampir ga pernah menyatakan perasaan kecuali lewat tulisan -_-"

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